Cheti Chand is the Sindhi New Year

By: Asha Chand
We all know that Chetti Chand’ is the Sindhi New Year. But lot of us are unaware about its rituals. We, at Sindhi Sangat have taken the initiative to bring a live demonstration of the making of a Behraano and ‘Bunji Degh’ to celebrate Chetti Chand. All the ingredients and the method of preparation is clearly outlined in this video. Given below are 2 links to explain the method of making a Behraano and ‘Bunji Degh

The Cheti-Chand celebrated all throughout the world.

One thought on “Cheti Chand is the Sindhi New Year”

  1. there should be more awareness about our NEW YEAR. Especially for the younger generation. The baby-boomers know how to prepare the Degh and perform the basic rituals.
    immersing the Degh and the other offerings are now becoming a problem. Not everyone lives in the close proximity of the sea/lake/river. What is the other alternative??!!

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