U.S. State Department’s Spokesperson Victoria Nuland “officially” states that there is a “human rights issue” in Balochistan

U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Victoria Nuland answers questions submitted to the Department’s 10 official Twitter feeds during a Twitter Q&A at the Department of State in Washington, D.C. on January 13, 2012.

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One thought on “U.S. State Department’s Spokesperson Victoria Nuland “officially” states that there is a “human rights issue” in Balochistan”

  1. the issue lies with the sardars of a few tribes holding baloch youth and their future at stake. they enjoyed all the eductaion where th epoor were left illiterate. the baloch youth needs to to revolt against these baloch sardari system responsible for their lack of educataion. there aim is to recruit as many illiterates as posiible because they are chaep and easy to tame. bugti wealth is agood example. we all know the state of bugti tribe. the pathans of baluchistan will not accept the terrorists demand of so called independent baluchistan. thay will resist every such move.

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