New opportunity and old challenges — Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi

The threats to the Pakistani state include socio-cultural intolerance, religious extremism and the use of violence to pursue self-articulated narrow ideological agendas. If these negative trends are coupled with a faltering economy, there is little hope for a stable, democratic Pakistan. …

Read more : Daily Times

One thought on “New opportunity and old challenges — Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi”

  1. Some people project the situation like Pakistan was making progress by leaps and bounds, there was even no single issue and as the Zardari came into power, he created mess and responsible for all the set-backs and miseries. Why we forget the situation before the democratic Govt came into rule? Just analyze the situation before a democratic Govt came into power, Terrorism was at the peak, Economy was much fragile even it was said that Pakistan is going to bankruptcy, democratic institutions were at the verge of destruction and Pakistan was the passing through the critical time of history but now Our economy is much stable, Terrorism has been curbed and democratic institution are stable than ever. Today Pakistan is much more better compared to rule of a dictator.

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