Marx’s foresight was right!

Marx argued that capitalism is inherently chaotic and crisis-prone, with a constant drive for profits leading to mechanization and the exploitation of workers. He also believed that capitalism’s focus on creating and satisfying arbitrary desires would lead to a society driven by a constant need for more and more products, even if they are not truly necessary. In addition, Marx predicted that capitalism would lead to globalization, with companies searching for new markets and cheap labor around the world, and the concentration of market power in large monopoly firms. He also believed that capitalism would lead to increasing inequality and the alienation of individuals from the work they do and the products they produce. While Marx was wrong about some aspects of capitalism, his analysis correctly predicted several aspects of contemporary capitalism.

Income inequality and wealth disparity in Pakistan

According to different figures compiled by the Centre for Research on Poverty and Income Distribution, Pakistan has a high rate of poverty, and the poverty rate is increasing day by day and million of citizens fall below the poverty line. It is suggested that economic policies and monopolization of assets by the ruling elites have contributed to the widening gap between the rich and the poor in Pakistan. Additionally, it is noted that the burden of taxes falls disproportionately on the less privileged classes, while the rich are unwilling to share their wealth with the poor. It is also noted that elected members of parliament in Pakistan often do not file tax returns and keep their assets “baynami” (in the name of others).

Are professionals getting replaced by AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate certain tasks and processes, which could potentially lead to the replacement of some jobs by AI. However, it is important to note that AI is not designed to replace human workers but rather to augment their capabilities and improve efficiency. While some jobs may be automated or made redundant by AI, it is likely that new jobs will also be created as a result of the development and implementation of AI technology.
In general, it is important for professionals to continuously update their skills and knowledge to stay relevant in a rapidly changing economy. This may involve learning new technologies, such as AI, and developing expertise in areas that are in high demand.